ExoGarden (2023)

ExoGarden (2023)

ExoGarden (2023)

An essay by

ExoGarden (2023)
3D-Printed Modular Eco-Habitats for Earth and Space
BAD Award winner
Anna Vershinina & Wieger Wamelink     

In the context of climate change and the development of Mars settlements, there is an increasing demand for resilient living solutions in harsh, resource-depleted environments. Addressing this need, ExoGarden leverages recent advancements in 3D printing and space farming to efficiently "grow" shelter and food with maximum space utilization and minimal environmental impact.
ExoGarden's innovative systems minimize water usage and repurpose organic waste through earthworm-assisted composting. The modules feature a textured surface that facilitates the growth of organisms absorbing carbon dioxide and pollutants, thereby promoting bioremediation and encouraging the cultivation of edible plants. These life-supporting, resilient strategies not only empower communities in challenging environments but also establish novel paradigms for sustainable habitation on Earth and beyond. Some examples of these stories are worked out in the ExoGarden graphic novel.